Rebel Joint

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This page provides information and first steps support on the igus Rebel joint modules.


Documentation for the ReBeL robot arms:

Documentation for the motor controller:

This document contains dimensions, pin-outs, behavior and the description of the parameter. The communication protocol is described below.

Test and Configuration Software

The software tool "ModuleControl" allows to move a single joint in different operations modes. It also allows to change the motion parameter on the board. ModuleControl needs a USB to CAN adapter from PeakSysteme, the PCAN-USB.

Please download the software at the ModuleControl wiki page, please use the ClosedLoop-Version: Config Software ModuleCtrl

Communication Protocol

The motor controller uses a CAN based custom protocol called CPRCANV2. This simple protocol sends and receives 32 bit position information. CANopen ist not supported.

Protocol specification:

Demo Source Code

A C# Visual Studio 2019 solution is available to show the basic communication with a Rebel joint. This demo code makes use of the Peak Systeme PCAN-USB adapter. The demo source code lies on github: CANV2ProtocolDemoClient


In case of questions please contact Alexander Mühlens at igus GmbH.