Math Tools App

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Math Tools an open source python-based app that extends the igus Robot Control with occasionally needed program functions, mainly around math and timing. The app has the following purposes:

  • New functions can be quickly added on demand
  • It lets us test rarely used functions before deciding to add them to the robot control software
  • Very easy to extend base for program commands developed by customers

The Math Tools app is supported by iRC V14-004 and later.

Available Program Functions

Currently the following functions are provided:

  • Kinematics:
    • Forward kinematics: Convert joint angles to cartesian position
    • Inverse kinematics: Convert cartesian position to joint angles
  • Math:
    • Calculate cartesian (XYZ) distance between two position variables
    • Check cartesian (XYZ) distance between two position variables - to check whether a position is close to another
    • Square root
    • Exponentiation
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • Copy position - Copies only selected components between position variables
  • Timing
    • Get time since start in seconds
    • Get time since start in minutes
    • Get time since start in hours
    • Wait by variable (give the duration via a number variable)


App package: will be added soon

Source code: GitHub

Adding Functions

Please refer to the documentation and sample code for any questions regarding the app interface.

Adding your own functions is easy: 1. Open rcapp.xml with a basic text editor and add a new function definition with a unique ID, name and the necessary parameters 2. Open and add a new function that does whatever you need, similar to the examples 3. In function _AppFunctionHandler add a new condition that checks for the ID of your app function. Call your function. 4. Zip your code, install it to the robot control and test it.