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Revision as of 21:03, 15 May 2018 by Peter (talk | contribs)
Name Description Link
AE Stands for "AbtriebsEncoder", which is an output encoder, i.e. an encoder mounted at the gear rather than at the motor.
A1, A2, A3... Robot axes (same as J1, J2, J3,...): A1 would be the first axis counting from the base of the robot.
CAN bus Controller Area Network
CPR Commonplace Robotics GmbH
CPRog 3D robot programming and control software with graphical program editor
DIO Digital input/output Digital_Inputs_/_Outputs
DOF Degrees of Freedom / the number of robot joints or axes.
J1, J2, J3,... Robot joints (same as A1, A2, A3): J1 would be the first joint counting from the base of the robot.
ME Motor encoder, i.e. an encoder mounted directly at the motor
SRA Service Robot Arm
ROS Robot Operating System