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<DIOModule ID="144">
<DIOModule ID="144">
=Use of DIOs in CPRog=

Revision as of 14:19, 18 June 2018


The Commonplace Robotics control for the igus robolink robots comes with one digital input / output module with seven digital inputs (24V via Optocoupler) and 7 digital outputs (24V max 300 mA via reed relay). If these DIOs are not enough it is possible to add two further digital input / output modules to the control.

Mechanical Integration

Caution.png Do not hotplug! Disconnect the control from the power source before changing components of plugging / unplugging cables!

  • Add the bus extenders to the control. They have to be pressed in the C-Rail and pressed to the existing control beneath the Digital IO module.
  • Plug the additional digital IO module
  • Set the CAN ID with the selector on the front face:
    • First (already existing) IO module: 0 (this results in CAN ID 0x70 = 112)
    • Second (additional) IO module: 2 (this results in CAN ID 0x80 = 128)
    • Third (additional) IO module: 4 (this results in CAN ID 0x90 = 144)


Electrical Integration

DIO pinout.png

Digital Inputs:

  • Connect the ground pin (Output connector 1, to GND
  • Supply 24V to one of the input pins
  • Example on the left: 24V via switch to input pin 4
  • Result in CPRog: digital input Din24 is triggered

Digital Outputs

  • Connect the supply pin to 24V power supply
  • The supply is forwarded to one of the outputs pins via reed relays
  • Connect a valve or another component to the output pin
  • Connect the component to GND to close the electrical circuit
  • See the example with the lamp on output 5 on the left.
  • In CPRog:
    • Reset and Enable the robot
    • Set DOut 25 to true to switch on the lamp

Software Integration

  • Open your project file, e.g. C:\CPRog\Data\Projects\51_IGUS_arm5DOF_SV.prj with and editor.
  • Find the line with the <DIOModule> Tag, e.g. line 30.
  • Add one (for one additional module) or two lines (for two additional modules) as follows.
  • The number in the ID tag is the CAN ID in decimal writing.

The first line <DIOModule ID="112"> should exist already.

<DIOModule ID="112">
<DIOModule ID="128">
<DIOModule ID="144">

Use of DIOs in CPRog