How to operate an electrical parallel gripper using CPRog and the Modular Control Electronics

From Wiki


The PG01 is a timing-controlled, electrical parallel gripper. It is mainly used in educational applications and not suitable for manufacturing.

The Gripper operates on +24V DC supply voltage and 24V signal voltage.

  • If the signal is high, the gripper motor will turn over for a set amount of time to open the jaws.
  • If the signal is low, the gripper motor will turn over for a set amount of time to close the jaws.

After the gripper has closed a small holding current thrugh the motor will ensure that the gripper grips the object.

Mechanical Integration

Robolink parallel gripper mount.png
  • The gripper is fixed with M4 screws to the flange of the robolink robot arm.
  • The cable to the gripper has to be routed, so that it does not catch or get stuck during operation.