Program Editor

From Wiki

The program editor helps writing and testing robot programs. Programs consist of a list of motion or logic commands that are executed in succession. These can be added via the menu bar. While the program is running the program editor will mark the active command with a dot.

This article gives some advice on how to use the program editor.

Default Values

When programming long programs you may find yourself repeatedly setting the same velocity and smoothing settings, digital IO number or wait durations. The standard values for these can be defined in the "Edit" -> "Configuration..." dialog. These values are saved in the project configuration so you may want to save the project afterwards.

Keyboard Commands

The following keyboard commands are available to speed up your programming.

Keys Description
J Add joint motion
L Add linear motion
Ctrl+A Select all commands
Up Select previous command
Down Select next command
Shift+Click Add range to selection
Shift+Up/Down Add next/previous command to selection
Ctrl+Click Add command to selection
Delete Delete selected command
Ctrl+Up/Down Move selected command
Ctrl+T Touch up - write the current position to the selected command
Ctrl+N New program file
Ctrl+S Save program file
Ctrl+Shift+S Save as
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Save all
Ctrl+O Open program file
Ctrl+W Close program file
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste