Position Interface

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In most cases the robot control plans and executes motion paths that are programmed by target positions. This is useful for pick and place tasks or contours without complex details and can be done via robot programs or the CRI interface. In other cases it may be useful to let a higher level control (e.g. a PC software or PLC) calculate the motion and stream it to the robot control in fine steps. This is what the position interface is for.

This article gives an overview over the position interface.

The position interface is available from iRC V14-003.


The position interface works in combination with the CRI interface. Use the CRI to send control commands and enable the position interface. The position interface then opens a TCP port and sends the robot's current position as quickly as it is calculated (usually each 10-20ms). A client can send target positions that the robot will follow if the position interface is selected as position source via CRI.


Protocol definition and user guide

Example Source Code

C# example client