Robot Control Update Process

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This guide explains how to update the control software of your robot.

Note that the robot control consists of two parts: The software called "RobotControl Core" (since V14) or TinyCtrl (until V13) runs on the embedded control computer of your robot. The software igus Robot Control (iRC) or CPRog runs on your PC, it is only required for configuring, programming and simulating your robot. iRC and CPRog are the same software but with different branding and robot selection.

Both parts must be the same major version (e.g. V14 or V13) and should be the same minor version (e.g. V13-040). Some robots are connected via a USB-to-CAN adapter, these only need the PC software.

Downloading the Update

You can find the most recent updates on the page Software Updates.

First decide whether you need iRC or CPRog. For igus robots use iRC.

Then pick the major version you need. For new robots use V14, for older robots that already are in production and do not need the new features use V13.

If you only want to install or update the PC side software (iRC or CPRog) click the link labelled "Installer", otherwise use the "Updater" which contains both the PC and embedded software.

Updating the Embedded Control

Start the updater by clicking Start_Updater.bat
The updater window. The left section is for updating the embedded robot control, the middle section for the PC software.

To update the embedded robot control start the updater and follow the steps at the left side.

  1. After downloading unzip the updater and start it by clicking Start_Updater.bat.
  2. If you changed the IP address of your robot enter it in the text box.
  3. Click "Test Connection". The updater tests whether it can connect to the robot control. This takes a couple seconds.
  4. Click "Make Backup". The updater creates a backup of the robot's software and configuration. This takes several seconds. The update is stored both on the robot control computer and in the "Backups" folder of the updater.
  5. In "Step 3" click "Update Binary Only" if you want to keep the robot's configuration or "Update complete folder" if you want to reset the factory configuration. This takes around a minute.

Updating from V13 to V14

When you update from V13 to V14 for the first time you must click "Update complete folder". The old configuration is not overwritten and can be reactivated by a downgrade.


To downgrade from V14 to V13 or between minor versions (e.g. V13-040 to V13-039) click "Update Binary Only". The configuration is kept and only the software is downgraded. Since V13 and V14 store their configurations in different locations you can change back and forth between both versions by binary only updates. If V13 was never installed on your robot you must do a complete update to install the V13 configuration.

Note that downgrades from V14 to V13 are only possible with V13-039 and newer. To return to an earlier version first use an update to a recent V13, then another to return to the earlier V13.

Restoring a Backup

The backups that are created by the updater contains all files needed to restore your robot to the same software version and configuration. To restore a backup click the "Restore Backup" button and select a backup file.

Each update creates a new backup that stays on the robot control. To download all backups click "Copy All Backups". To delete the backups on the robot control (e.g. to free memory space) click "Delete All Backups".

Fixing the WiFi Bug

Some early V13 robot controls were delivered with a configuration issue that can lead to the memory card filling up. The "Fix WiFi bug" button in the middle section of the updater clears the files that get too large and fixes the configuration so that the issue does not occur again. This is done automatically if you do an update.

Updating iRC or CPRog on PC

If you downloaded the installer execute it and follow the steps. If you downloaded the updater unzip and start it, then click "Backup iRC/CPRog folder" in the middle section to create a backup copy of the iRC/CPRog installation folder. Note that the backup is only created if iRC/CPRog is installed in the standard path. Then click "Update iRC/CPRog" in the second step.

The installer then asks where you want to install the software. We recommend using the standard path. You can also install to C:\Program Files but you may need admin permissions to use iRC/CPRog.

Troubleshooting and Log Files

If something goes wrong contact our support and send us the log file "logMessages.log" of the updater. You find it in the updater folder after running the updater.