USB-CAN connection to Robolink DCi

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Revision as of 13:42, 21 January 2019 by Peter (talk | contribs)

This guide applies to DCi Robots shipped from 2019.

In rare cases it may be necessary to connect a Windows PC directly to the DCI electronics by-opassing the embedded Linux computer inside the DCi Robot.

To do that, this USB-CAN adapter is required. is required: [1]

  1. Install the PCAN driver available in the link above.
  2. Connect the USB to CAN adapter to the PC and the D-Sub port of the DCi Robot.
  3. Once an electrical connection has been made between the DCi robot, switch i9t on and wait until the green LEDs at the back of the robot start blinking.
  4. Download ModuleCtrl and start the executable.
  5. Select 0x10 as board ID and click "Connect".
    Start tab in ModuleCtrl