Command Point Sequence

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The PointSequence command can be used to move .dxf or .csv files and wait for a GSig, a Din or a certain time at the respective points of the .dxf/.csv before moving to the next point. It is supported from CPRog/iRC V14-004-0. This article gives a short introduction and hints on how use this command.

Valid Files

  • .dxf Files: Supported are the following elements:
    • Point
    • Circle

In the .dxf file, only points or center points of circles are approached. All other elements are ignored. An Example how to export the .dxf file with SolidWorks is descripedon this page.

  • .csv:

The following rule applies to the points in the .csv file: X 2.91; Y 0.34; Z 16.79; A 124.15; B -70.0; C 0.0 X 2.39; Y 21.03; Z 172.47; A 113.77; B -70.0; C 0.0 ";" is used as a separator between the values, decimal places are separated by a ".".

Command Settings


Configuration in CPRog/iRC

The corresponding file can be selected via "Select File...".


Settings such as the velocity, a factor for reducing/enlarging the file and the delta Z can be added in the Parameters area. The delta Z specifies how much higher the robot should move in the z-direction between two points.

DIO parameter

The DIO parameter area is used to select the output that is set when the robot is on the point. The input type can be used to determine whether a signal or a time can be waited for.


If the position of the object to be moved needs to be moved, this can be done using the offsets in the x, y and z directions. If it is necessary to rotate the object, the rotation fields can be used. Rotation X rotates the .dxf file around the X axis, Rotation Y rotates the .dxf file around the Y axis and Rotation Z rotates the .dxf file around the Z axis. This means that if the file needs to be rotated in the X/Y plane, the file needs to be rotated around the Z axis.


An area can be selected in the Area area if the entire file is not to be scanned. The start values in XYZ and the end values in XYZ define a cuboid in which the points to be scanned may be located. You can choose whether the area definition is to be selected in the coordinate system of the file or in the base coordinate system of the robot.